Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Crafty, Crafty!

I spent last night doing Hailey's "homework," an "All About Me" poster for preschool, and I just wanted to show everyone that I can be crafty despite the empty scrapbooks. :) I think I am going to tell her teachers that Hailey did it, though, because despite my best efforts it looks like the work of a preschooler. I have convinced myself that I meant to do that :)
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Jonathan's Mommy said...

I think it looks awesome! Way to go!

Wendy said...

You did a great job! Very nice!!

Janice said...

Awww, it looks great!!!

Susie PSU said...

It does look great! If those teachers think that SHE did it, find another preschool!! hee hee

Kimberly said...

Great job!! And I "think" that i have off next friday...maybe we can go to the Clay Center. Email me at ksteele3@hotmail.com so we can GTG!

Rebecca said...

looks great!!!