Friday, August 31, 2007

WVU Widow

Well, Cam is headed to the game this weekend and had to leave tonight because driving cannot affect his tailgating tomorrow (God forbid), and I am officially declaring my status as a WVU widow :) I hope he enjoys the mini vacay, because I am not sure I can handle it every weekend. He deserves the break, though, so I am glad he got the opportunity.

Things have been a bit crazy in the Peterson household lately. Cam is finishing his training at work and could get a call any day and we would have to move in a matter of weeks. Napa has a great relocation program where they buy our house if it won't sell in 60 days, reimburse closing costs, provide money for alternate housing for 60 days, etc., which helps alleviate some of the stress. However, I enjoy being close to my mom and Cam's family, so I am not a huge fan of moving. Unfortunately, I can be a stay-at-home mom anywhere, so I don't have much say in the matter. There are a couple of places that would make moving suck less (Louisville, Charlotte, High Point, NC, Columbia), but others that make the idea REALLY scary (Syracuse, Miami, etc.), so I am chugging along every day trying to live in denial and not freak out until it happens. So far it has not worked so well, but I am trying to at least remain positive when I do obsess. I could get a new house with a great yard or I could move to a great city that just happens to be a stop on the next Jimmy Buffett tour :)

The kids are good, Hailey is going through a rebellious nap phase, but Max is napping great, so I guess I can't get them both great at the same time for any long length of time because that would be unfair. Hailey had her preschool orientation on Thursday and her new teachers were very nice and the room looked like so much fun. I am very excited that she will get to go every Tues and Thur morning, not just for me. I really think she is getting bored with me and needs better teaching than I can provide. I admire her teachers because I know I couldn't handle 8-10 2 year-olds for 4 hours every morning!


Stacy said...

Colorado would be a fun place to live! When are you going to find out where? And when are you going to move? You don't have to pack do you? Can't wait to hear more!

Jonathan's Mommy said...

I'm personally rooting for Louisville! Then Cam won't have to go away for games--he can become a Cards fan and Papa John's stadium is right here!!!

I think you are doing really awesome with the whole moving at any moment situation. I know it would make me a complete wreck as I am a planner just like you are!

Susie PSU said...

Any news on a possible move?

Alicia said...

We lived in High Point for a year. I was super sick and pregnant with baby #1 so I didn't get to know the area that well. Had my baby at High Point Regional, though, and the hospital was great. We are thinking of moving to Columbia, SC area next summer. Hope you get to move where you want to be!

Kimberly said...

ooo...a move would be exciting but I'd be sad to leave my mom too. Are you definitely going to move or is it just up in the air?

Kimberly said...
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supermommysquared said...

I am 99% moving and I am still not sure where. Columbia, SC is also on our list, so maybe we will end up there together Alicia :)

Jonathan's Mommy said...

OK, I know I've already posted and Louisville is still my first choice, but somewhere with a beach would be next best!