Thursday, March 22, 2007


Today was one of those regular, everyday mommy days that seem to run together and make up the framework of a stay-at-home mom's life. The kids were fine, the dogs were annoying, and before I knew it, dinner was eaten, and the kids were asleep and I am exhausted. I often wonder why I am tired on Thursdays, because as I have said they are my easy day, but I think the early parts of the week start to catch up to me and then slam me on Friday. Hailey actually took a nap today (no sleepy time nudity) and Max didn't scream that much.
We tried to go to Coonskin Park and feed the ducks, but it started raining about 1/2 an hour in, so we packed up and left. Last year I had to follow Hailey on all the equipment (and believe me, at 4-5 months pregnant, it was a bit difficult maneuvering the tube), but today I realized that she didn't need me as much and that made me a little sad. This also made me realize that Max is almost 4 months old and will soon be old enough to try rice cereal and then possibly veggies and meats and fruits (I know, weird segueway, but my brain is a funny place.) I remember so clearly not being able to wait until Hailey reached this milestone. I had the highchair set up in the corner for months and had picked out a special bib and bowl. That day I strapped her in and set up the video camera, and I remember being so over the moon that my baby was eating a spoonful of cereal that I could not wait to try the jar food. I don't remember being that sad, but this time I am. I am actually putting it off and telling myself that the American Academy of Pediatrics breastfeed exclusively until 6 months, so I don't really need to give him any solids. I just can't believe that my infant is now a baby and will soon be doing all the things that Hailey did, but in his own unique way. I guess I just got slammed with how fast kids grow up and how much I am going to miss the infant, baby and toddlers that they have or will become, and how excited I am to see who they will be. I'm glad that I started blogging because at least now I have a record! Sorry so mom sappy, I think my Mirena has kicked me into a hormone overload :) I am going to bed before I start crying, but I will leave you with a cute pic I took the other day......
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Jonathan's Mommy said...

Heather, that blog completely left me teary eyed! It is so wonderful to see your child grow up, but at the same time so painful. I guess no one ever said it was easy to be a mother, but SERIOUSLY, it is tough sometimes!! I LOVE your blog and Max and Hailey could not be more adorable!

Janice said...

I had the same experience with my first born (Cameron). I couldn't wait until he accomplished all his milestones. This time around I am taking it slower because I know how fast time flies. I'm getting sad just thinking about it now! Anyway, your picture on this post is soooooo adorable! Isn't it wonderful to see your kids interact with each other?